Thursday, April 10, 2008


As we all know, ING is an online global financial service that provides insurance, banking, and asset management service in over 50 countries. We all know this because of two simple reasons. The first is because of their appealing interest rate. ING customers benefit from a very appealing interest rate. ING Direct pays 4.5% on a savings account while most banks can only offer an average of 0.46%. The account is easy to set up, manage and access with out a trip to the bank and minus all those bank sur-charges that eat away at everyone’s hard earned money. The second reason ING is well known is because of their ingenious marketing plan which is simply to increase brand awareness with no branches to reduce overhead. They offer an unbeatable rate to attract customers and attract new customers by advertising very aggressively and most importantly advertising this interest rate in a large easy to read approach. This simple strategy has driven ING’s rapid growth and allowed each ING operation to grow. They have then added other products and financial operations such as mortgages and investment funds to their company. ING has clearly picked the right business strategy and this internet based company will continue to grow as the World Wide Web reaches more countries and more people every day.

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